Wednesday, June 16, 2010

30 Weeks!

Wow! Our little boy is going to be here in 10 weeks or less. It seems so surreal. Yes, I know I'vebeen carrying him for 30 weeks already, and the reality that he would be here someday has always been there, but the closer it gets, the more real is seems. I know that sounds weird, but it's true. Our connection gets stronger everyday.

Things are coming along nicely in the nursery though we're not there yet. I will post pics as soon as we get a few more things in.
We will be starting our childbirth classes in just a few weeks.
I'm still feeling good. My appetite is out of control, and I could eat sweets for breakfast, lunch and dinner, (and sometimes I do). My back was really starting to bother me, so I started going to the chiro, and it has helped considerably. The tiredness from the first trimester is starting to creep back in, but it's not that bad yet. So far, I still feel like this has been a great/easy pregnancy. (And I pray everyday that it will continue to be.)

Our first shower that the BDC Aunts in Houston hosted was wonderful! We were truly "showered" with love and a ton of great stuff. Thank you ladies!

This week, Jack should be about 17 inches long, and about 3 lbs. He will probably only grow a few more inches in length before he comes, but he'll start to pack on the lbs now. His brain is starting to really develop now, and will continue to until birth. He is very active! I love to feel and watch him move. It's truly amazing that there is a little boy living inside my belly that started out as a bunch of cells smaller than a pin head, and now he's my little person! It just blows my mind, and reminds me everyday how truly amazing and creative God is.

Here's me at 30 weeks and (as of last Thursday) 131 lbs. That's a +17. (EEEKKKK.)
(Sorry, I'm having a conversation with Cali, but all you need is the belly anyway :))