Monday, March 21, 2011

The past 7 months......

Ok, I'll try again. Just to catch up, I'll do pics of the last 7 months, and then try to at least post every month. Our life has gone from quiet and relaxed, to new parent madness, but it's the most amazing job in the world! We love you Jack!!

One month:
2 Months:
3 Months:
4 months:
5 months:
6 months:
7 months (this Thursday)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

38 Weeks

I know I say it every week, but I CAN NOT believe Jack is going to be here in 2 weeks or less. Dr. Blake will probably induce on the 24th if he hasn't made his arrival.
This past Friday was my last day at work. It's very nice to have this short amount of time at home relaxing and preparing for Jack's arrival. I've even made dinner for my husband twice since Friday. That is something I haven't done for a very long time. It's nice. I started a book, went to a movie and dinner with a good friend, got to go visit another good friend, have been sleeping late, and am just really enjoying my time waiting for our son.

Here's me at 38 weeks with only a 1/2 lb weight gain since last week. I don't know where all the pancakes and dessert are going, but I'll take it.

And here's our other baby :)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

37 Weeks

21 days or less!
Today was my last staff meeting at work :( Friday is my last day. I'm sad to be leaving a job and co-workers that I love, but am looking forward to this new chapter in our lives.
For the staff meeting, my co-workers had "baby (little) foods" like little bagels with my favorite toppings (cream cheese, cucumbers, tomatoes, and lemon pepper), little donuts and little orange juice boxes. It was very thoughtful and cute.
I'll be taking the next few weeks before Jack gets here to hopefully relax (I'm not very good at that right now), and finish up a few last minute things on our list.
I know I need the rest because my body is starting to hurt, and I can absolutely tell when I've done to much. I need to slow down a bit, so that's my plan.

Here's me at 37 weeks and 138 lbs. No weight gain since last appointment :)

Sunday, August 1, 2010


We're finally finished with the nursery! It took us a while to piece everything together, but our baby's room is ready for him. Now we just wait to bring this little man into the world, and introduce him to his home :) I can't wait.
(And yes, the pictures above his crib are earthquake proof :). They're not going anywhere, nor can they shatter.)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

35 1/2 Weeks

Gettin Big!

+ 24 lbs

Monday, July 12, 2010

34 Weeks

Oh my goodness, we are going to have our little man in 6 weeks or less!
Life has been very busy lately preparing for Jack. It is such a special time for us, and I'm enjoying every moment. I have however, had quite a bit of anxiety lately. Not about him coming, but about having everything ready. Michael has to remind me, and I have to step back, take a breath and remember, that even if everything spinning around in my mind right now isn't accomplished, Jack will be fine. We will be ready. God has prepared us for this.
We are in our third week of our birthing classes which have given us some great preparation techniques and important information. We have breastfeeding class next week, and then newborn basics the following week. The car seat is installed, Michael has a long list going, and I've started packing my bag.

My San Diego shower is this weekend! I'm so excited to be surrounded (again) by friends and family that love and support us and want to share this special time with us.
Maternity photo's are the following weekend. Busy, busy, busy.

The nursery is coming along very nicely. I'm waiting on a few more pieces to come in, and then we'll be all set.

I've been having some pretty bad lower pack and pelvic pain. After my last doc's appointment, I learned that I'm carrying Jack very low because of my short torso. He has nowhere else to go. He is head down, (which is good) and his head is resting on my pelvic bone. (That's why I'm so sore.) Dr. Blake assures me that this doesn't hurt the baby in any way.
Sleep is tough, but I take great naps.

Here's me at 34 weeks.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

30 Weeks!

Wow! Our little boy is going to be here in 10 weeks or less. It seems so surreal. Yes, I know I'vebeen carrying him for 30 weeks already, and the reality that he would be here someday has always been there, but the closer it gets, the more real is seems. I know that sounds weird, but it's true. Our connection gets stronger everyday.

Things are coming along nicely in the nursery though we're not there yet. I will post pics as soon as we get a few more things in.
We will be starting our childbirth classes in just a few weeks.
I'm still feeling good. My appetite is out of control, and I could eat sweets for breakfast, lunch and dinner, (and sometimes I do). My back was really starting to bother me, so I started going to the chiro, and it has helped considerably. The tiredness from the first trimester is starting to creep back in, but it's not that bad yet. So far, I still feel like this has been a great/easy pregnancy. (And I pray everyday that it will continue to be.)

Our first shower that the BDC Aunts in Houston hosted was wonderful! We were truly "showered" with love and a ton of great stuff. Thank you ladies!

This week, Jack should be about 17 inches long, and about 3 lbs. He will probably only grow a few more inches in length before he comes, but he'll start to pack on the lbs now. His brain is starting to really develop now, and will continue to until birth. He is very active! I love to feel and watch him move. It's truly amazing that there is a little boy living inside my belly that started out as a bunch of cells smaller than a pin head, and now he's my little person! It just blows my mind, and reminds me everyday how truly amazing and creative God is.

Here's me at 30 weeks and (as of last Thursday) 131 lbs. That's a +17. (EEEKKKK.)
(Sorry, I'm having a conversation with Cali, but all you need is the belly anyway :))

Thursday, May 20, 2010

We have paint!

And it's blue and I love it!
Next up is chair rail and carpet. Then crib and furniture. Then decor. Yay for progress!!

And here's the master painter. He hates that I make him take pictures, but is always such a great sport. Love you baby. Great job!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

25 Weeks (and 2 days)

We got to see Jack again today! Our doc is so awesome. He had to rush out on us last appointment because he got paged into delivery, so he felt bad and did another ultrasound for us at our appointment today. We've gotten to see Jack at every appointment since I was 9 weeks.
We tried to video the ultrasound on Michael's phone, and if you look really close you can see our baby's sweet face. He really is so cute!

As of right now, he's in perfect position to be born. (Just don't come for 15 more weeks please...)
He is such a wiggle worm. I can feel him most of the time, especially after I eat and when I lay down at night. I just love to sit and watch my belly move and feel his little kicks and punches.
Only mom's will understand, but I love this little man so much already. I get emotional just thinking about him actually being in our world.

At 25 weeks, Jack is about 13 1/2 inches long and weights just over 1 1/2 lbs. His lungs are developing more everyday and his nostrils just became "unplugged." He's now practicing breathing by breathing in the amniotic fluid.

My belly get's bigger everyday. Really.
As of today, I'm at 128 lbs which is a +14 lbs from my first appointment.

We went to Oklahoma a few weeks ago, and got so much great stuff for Jack from my family there. We got a beautiful hand knitted baby afghan from Sharon, lot's of cute clothes and a sleep sheep from dad and Sharon, a beautiful engraved receiving blanket and burp cloths from my Aunt Debbie, Sophie the Giraffe from cousin Barbara, and a gift card and diaper money from Aunt Becky and Gran.
My first "official" shower is in Houston in a few weeks. I can't wait to see everyone!!

And here's one of the Cali dog just for fun :)