Thursday, February 4, 2010

11 Weeks

We were 11 weeks this past Tuesday.
This week, baby is about the size of a small lemon or large lime, and now looks like a baby with fingers and toes instead of webs. He/She should be between 1 1/2 and 2 inches long. Baby's body is straightening, and the body is lengthening. There's a lot of movement going on (still can't feel it) like hiccuping, kicking, stretching, somersaults and forward rolls.

I feel great! I'll be buying all new bras very soon...
Belly is growing. To anyone who doesn't know me, you would never be able to tell that I was pregnant, but I'm definitely getting a little pudgy around the midsection.
We'll be out of the first trimester in 2 1/2 weeks. Yeah!

Michael and I are going to San Francisco on Saturday to celebrate his 33rd birthday! I'm so excited to see the city, and eat some seafood....
I'll post pics after the weekend :)

1 comment:

  1. Ever since I had you add me to your feed I forget to come to your page and comment.

    So, just let me say, YAY :)
