Jack is growing like a weed. I know this for a fact because my belly gets bigger every day. He should be about as long as a banana, and the size of a small cantaloupe. And I'm going to birth something bigger than that????? Scary! He's somewhere around 10 oz, and should be over a pound in the next few weeks. He seems so much longer than before because now he's measured from head to heel rather than from head to rump. He's covered with a waxy coating called vernix caseosa which will keep his skin from looking like he's been in a bath tub for nine months when he's born. That will go away before birth.
He moves so much now. One of our new favorite things to do is watch my belly move when he kicks or punches or jumps around in there. We just started to be able to see that a few days ago. It's pretty crazy!
I still feel great. (I knock on wood every time I say or write that.) My big complaint would be that my back is starting to hurt pretty bad if I stand for a long period of time. I also don't sleep great at night. Other than that..... I'm good.
I'm working on getting my registry fine tuned. Thank you to everyone who gave their two cents, and helped me in that feat. It's overwhelming for sure.
The nursery is our next project that we'll be starting soon.
On a different note, we had a wonderful Easter Weekend. Eva and Ryan came in town for the weekend. The boys got to golf, we shopped for wedding dresses, dined well, and had a fabulous lunch/dinner with friends that Eva and I prepared. (Mainly Eva with my assistance :))
Oh, and of course we experienced that crazy earthquake. It was the strangest thing I've ever witnessed. The earth wasn't shaking so much as rolling, and it went on forever! The walls to the house were waving, the floors were rolling, the cars were swaying, and it just kept going and going. I'm glad we were all together though.
Here's me at 20 weeks:

We have a Dr.'s appointment next week. I'll let you know how that goes.
Wow! Such a change from 18 to 20 weeks. He is growing like a weed. And you, my friend, are adorable.