Tuesday, October 27, 2009


So I'm not even kidding that I think Starbucks put crack in my latte today. Or at least an extra shot of espresso.
Right in the middle of our staff meeting today, I decided that I HAVE to paint my main wall in the living room today. Michael is gone so hopefully this will be a pleasant surprise for him when he gets home. (Unless he reads this before, then SURPRISE!) I'm painting our house :)
Our house is slowly getting cuter and cuter. I'm done with the guest bedroom (except for maybe paint), living room is still a work in progress, kitchen and bathroom are o.k, our bedroom and office definitely need some work.

On my way to Home Depot to get some wise counsel on painting.
I'll post pics.


  1. man I wish I had it in me to decorate like that. Good for you! We have lived in our house for 7 months and there is not ONE photo on the wall.

  2. Hahaha, I love those bursts of energy- it's good that you're using them for good!
