Friday, October 23, 2009

Not Yet

Okay, I know it's been two weeks, and that is a long time to not update. I'm sorry. I plan on posting photos of some of our trips soon.

As many of you know, Michael and I are trying to start our family. Since I am a total instant gratification type of person, I was hoping we would conceive the first try. Nope. Not this go round. I know that the chances of conceiving your first try are only about 25%, but I'm also a very optimistic person, so I was hoping.
We're so excited to be taking this journey, and know that God has a very specific plan for our lives, and He will bless us with a little baby when His timing is absolutely perfect.
We'll keep you posted.

Oh, and I'm going to be a jellyfish for Halloween. I'll post pics of my awesome costume!


  1. I cannot wait to see the costume pics! Still coming in town to stay with me?

  2. That is awesome, I am curious to see what a jelly fish costume consists of.

    and yes, all in good time, it will happen and I am really excited for you all.

  3. All in good time. What's Michael going to be?

  4. It will happen...up to a year is normal, though I know it will happen faster for y'all!

  5. No more jellyfish costume :( My friend Gracie that I was going to be jellyfish with had some really scary pregnancy issues, and I backed out on the party we were going to. Michael is working that night.

    If anyone wants the costume, let me know. It's really cute.

  6. Hi Crystal! You are right, his timing is perfect.
