Tuesday, January 26, 2010

10 Weeks

I can't believe that in just a few short weeks I'll already be out of my first trimester! It's like time goes so slow, but flies at the same time if that makes any sense at all.

10 Weeks - Baby
Baby should be over an inch long, could be up to almost 2 inches. He/She's about the size of a prune. Our baby will be a full blown fetus by the end of the week, and no longer an embryo! Go baby! Vital organs - kidneys, intestines, brain, and liver are now in place and beginning to function. He/she is bending his limbs and kicking up a storm. (I wish I could feel it, but unfortunately won't be able to until around the 20ish week marker.)
In the next few weeks, baby should double in size!

I'm still feeling pretty great! A little heartburn here and there (I hear this gets worse), and nausea is almost completely gone. The tiredness comes on pretty quick. When it's time for a nap, it's time for a nap. Even if it's at 11:30 in the morning. Food cravings are starting to be more obvious. Pancakes is one I've been having a lot. I can eat dairy now and it doesn't upset my stomach at all! This is huge for me because I've always had a major problem with lactose. I'm indulging in all kinds of great stuff (including ice cream!).

I'll spare you the photo's because there's not much change this week, but will post monthly until I really start to show.


  1. Go baby! I can't wait to find out if it's a girl or boy. Either way, it's going to need some serious SPF.

  2. We may have to get a bubble for it.

  3. y'all crack me up with the SPF. Yay BDC baby, ok, ok, O'Grady baby.

  4. Isn't it cool how your body changes (the lactose thing) for pregnancy needs? Glad everything is going well
